Friday, August 26, 2011

watercolor revisited

wow, dusted off my watercolor pencils, filled my niji waterbrushes, and had a blast practicing some different designs on my index cards for the ICAD project. had a lot of fun in a very small space. even did a practice page in my small Strathmore watercolor visual journal.

initially i used my regular Derwent w/c pencils, but then i tried my favorites, the Derwent Graphitint pencils. here's a video so you can see how startling the difference is between the dry color and the wet color. on one of the samples i added a bit of highlight with a Derwent Inktense cadmium yellow. the color on the Inkense pencils is highly concentrated and it takes just a slight bit of it to add just the right splash of color.

i'll post pics when i have a chance to scan and upload them.

i also worked in my doodle journal for Doodle Camp, which has officially ended but as usual i lag behind and work on my own pace. for a couple of days i worked on a complex and labor-intensive doodle. but today i did one of my "hand drawings" to map out the stages of my life. right now it's done solely with my black Pitt artist pens (india ink). not sure how much detail i'll add to it, and whether or not i'll add color at some point. again, i'll post pics later.

1 comment:

  1. wow, what got all this going? GADZ, I'm still up........... not for long. More posts on ALL your blogs Friday ;) Sadly, I'm "unknown" having logged out of Niki's account.
